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🔥 a·ดัม's Web Application 🚀

📪 Thailand Search App

Quick search thailand address. Create with HTML, CSS(W3.CSS) and JavaScript.

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📋 To Do List App

Very basic To Do List App with HTML, CSS(Bootstrap) and JavaScript.

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💸 My Budget Tracker App

Budget tracker app with real time database this app built with HTML, CSS(Bootstrap) and JavaScript. Using Firbase Cloud Firestore and Hosting.

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🚗 Used Car Installment Calculator

Used Car Installment Calculator, built with HTML, CSS (Materialize) and JS with using LINE LIFF for using in LINE OA.

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🤖 AQI LINE Bot Report

AQI LINE Bot for check AQI with location this app built with IQAir API, Firebase Cloud Functions and Firebase Storage.

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🗄️ Convert Excel to JSON

Upload excel file and convert to JSON format.

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👨‍💻 Basic Google Sheet API

Create web application with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and create API with google apps script when using google sheet is database.

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